
在學會使用 WebComponent 的相關技巧後,陸陸續續也實作了不少的 UI 元件, 方便後續在進行前端專案的時候可以快速的重複使用。

而且不管您的專案是使用 VueJS、ReactJS 或者Angular, 都可以支援原生的 WebComponent,所以等於是一個通用的軍火庫, 寫一次就可以 Use everywhere,所以非常推薦將您常用的 UI 元件寫成 WebComponent 版本。

下面整理我目前有實作開源的 WebComponent 元件,後續如果有新做的 WebComponent 元件, 也會繼續更新上來,如果使用上有問題也歡迎發 issue 給我,謝謝 😊

小型輕量的 WebComponents 元件庫

項次WebComponent 元件安裝 / 原始碼
1WebComponent Demo | swipe-to-refresh
A WebComponent to pull the window down and refresh.
npm wc github
2WebComponent Demo | mic-input
Speech input WebComponent implemented with Web Speech API.
npm wc github
3WebComponent Demo | star-input
Star rating input implemented with WebComponent.
npm wc github
4WebComponent Demo | fl-input
Floating label input implemented with WebComponent.
npm wc github
5Demo | scroll-to-element
An alternative implement of smooth scroll.
npm github
6WebComponent Demo | mac-input
Mac Address input implemented with WebComponent.
npm wc github
7WebComponent Demo | dropdown
Dropdown menu implemented with WebComponent.
npm wc github
8WebComponent Demo | tw-address-input
Taiwan address input implemented with WebComponent.
npm wc github
9WebComponent Demo | wc-dot-hr
Dotted style horizontal rule web component.
npm wc github
10WebComponent Demo | wc-qrcode
An efficient and lightweight QR Code WebComponent integrated with Rust wasm library.
npm wc github
11WebComponent Demo | wc-bubble
A lightweight and well designed chat bubble WebComponent.
npm wc github